Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 1

Hello to anyone who might be reading this!  I'm pretty sure its just me at this point, but hey we'll see. The task for today seems simple enough: Describe yourself. After all you can't know anything about anyone if you don't know the most basic facts about someone. For starters my name is Kelsey Blair Taylor, I'm a freshman at Oxford College of Emory University.


Thats me at Oxford's annual Fall Formal. In all honesty it fits me pretty well. Take note of the crazy facial express they are a speciality of mine.

So onto the 15 quote on quote interesting facts.
1) I'm a cardigan girl. This seems like a strange way to start out, but I firmly believe a cardigan is the perfect accessory. If you're hot you can simply remove it, or if cold they are always handy to have around. I own a myriad of them for every occasion. I do seem to have a large quantity of them in navy though.
2) I love color coding more than almost anything in the world. Its a way for me to calm myself and put things into perspective. Well that and it looks pretty.
3) I'm obsessed with NPR and public radio to an alarming degree. Ira Glass is my hero and I aspire to be a panelist on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.
4) I love New York despite being raised in the south. Brooklyn is one of the coolest places and I will live there someday.
5) I am an Art History/History major. Hopefully with a focus on modern art.
6) Speaking of which I have a life plan. I want to graduate from Emory, attend an awesome grad school with an excellent art history program, get my phd. Then, I want to work at a museum in New York, preferably the MOMA as a curator making my way up to heading up a division. Then maybe I'll teach. I want to get married between 25 and 29 and have one kid. Did I mention I enjoy planning?
7) I love Bob Dylan with an unhealthy fervor. A good percentage of my iPod is taken up by Dylan with bootlegs and several versions of the same song. I could listen to him for the rest of my life.
8) I have an amazing little sister named Kaitlin. She is ridiculously awesome. She is always in constant motion, she is a dancer by nature, and quiet is a foreign concept to her. Therefore, there was never a dull moment in my house.
9) My mom is truly on of my best friends. When we're together we are clearly mother and daughter. She understands me better than anyone in the entire world and knows what I'm thinking with one glance.
10) When I was little I wanted to be an actress more than anything, except for maybe a lawyer. Needless to say neither ended up being my calling.
11) I have a hobby of memorizing useless information. I know the We Didn't Start the Fire Lyrics and the Animaniacs President's song by heart. I can tell you the director of obscure movies and have far to much knowledge of award shows. I need to go on Jeopardy! simply because then I could prove I haven't wasted my life.
12) Audrey Hepburn and Rosalind Russel are my idols. Audrey for her grace and Rosalind for her wit. I love Gregory Peck and would probably marry Jimmy Stewart if given the chance. Needless to say I have a thing for Old Hollywood.
13) I have an unhealthy addiction to coffee, when you have to depend on it you know you have a problem.
14) I exhibit paradoxical tendencies in my everyday life. I am simultaneously a pessimist and optimist, an idealist and a realist. It often leads to confusion.
15) I'm a picky eater. I don't eat seafood of any kind, most beans, no corn, no brussels sprouts, no cooked carrots, and most condiments.
Well thats me in 15 facts. I'm little quirky, a little nerdy, but I have learned to except these truths about myself.

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